I gained so much from the sessions with Lucy, they have left me feeling much better equipped to handle future stresses or events in my life. I found EDMR incredibly helpful to reframe and properly process some traumatic memories. The talking sessions were compassion focused and have helped me to stop blaming myself and rather notice where I was trying my best and to value myself more. The sessions have provided me with tools to better control my emotions and lower stress, which I know I can use any time I need them…..the sessions really helped me to gain a better understanding of myself and to work through some tough emotions and memories in a place where I felt heard, safe, respected, and supported. 

Lucy is very kind, compassionate, and friendly…. I never felt rushed or like I couldn’t show how I was truly feeling, as the space she has created makes you feel welcome. If you are struggling with anything at all, I would highly recommend making an appointment with Lucy and sharing that journey to better mental health. It has allowed me to see a brighter future and to grow from my experiences rather than be weighted down by them.”

“I gained a valuable insight into my own mind and have been able to proactively question some of my thinking. We applied different methodologies to address my phobia which was helpful in that I now have a toolkit to draw on going forward. I am far less anxious about many things but particularly the “what ifs...” thoughts. I also gained a wider knowledge of how the mind works which helped me to appreciate that I am not my anxious thoughts/phobia. This gave me the space to look more objectively at some of my thoughts which really helped with perspective.

The sessions have literally changed my life in such a positive way. I understand myself much more and an unexpected benefit is that they had a much wider impact than just dealing with my phobia. My initial goal was to simply be able to remove a spider, but I found myself recognising other areas of my life where anxiety was holding me back which I wasn’t previously aware of.  I was able to address that in a self-supportive way e.g. I successfully applied for promotion at work. I would absolutely recommend these sessions to anyone suffering from any kind of anxiety, it was one of the best things I have ever done for myself. Thank you Lucy!”

“Lucy was a relaxing presence from the offset..hence that comfort to disclose personal details to her was imperative for me to get better. I gained my independence back, something I lacked for a long time. Thanks to these sessions I was able to get back to doing everyday things, be they as ‘small’ as going to the shop or as ‘large’ as going abroad for holiday and getting a job. I also learnt to love myself and that my intrusive thoughts are not a reflection of me as a bad person, but rather part of the human condition to protect all of us!”